Below are several projects to which I have contributed. If you're looking for code samples, check out the Code page.
AmbitiousLemon is a non-profit, free, webhost for open source/freeware developers, students, non-profits, artists, and just about anyone else who wants to have a website but isn't selling anything.
I volunteered several years ago to rewrite the administration backend. I tore apart the original PHP code and reshaped it with Congo (the predecessor of Acorn, my PHP framework). It's still running that code from 2009.
- A multi-part application form for web hosting that can be saved at any point and picked up where it was left off.
- Admins can moderate the applications, ask follow-up questions of the applicants, and comment on the applications.
- Admins can add, edit, and categorize application questions.
- Users can be created and edited.
- User profiles contain skills, email address, and other standard fields.
- Skills can be created, edited, and deleted by admins.
- Many other features...
AppGarden was a project where people could post ideas and vote them up or down. Similar in style to StackOverflow or Reddit.
- Written in PHP using Acorn.
- Idea text was rendered as Markdown.
- Users could register and recover their password if they forgot.
- Registered users could up/down vote ideas.
TreeHouse was a project to give Forrst users a page they could link to as a "profile" or personal page. It scraped accounts that were linked to their Forrst profile and offered the content posted to each of those sites under their own tabs.
- Mostly written with jQuery.
- Made use of the Forrst API to gather profile data.
- Queried Forrst for username based on URL (e.g. http://treehouse.com/{USERNAME}).
URL Shortener
I built a URL shortener to accompany my short personal domain name.
- Shortens URLs (e.g. http://sna.la/~b) and recognizes when those URLs are visited.
- Tracks IP addresses of visitors to the short URLs.